Its Time To Be Unlocked!

Unearth the divine calling that's been whispering in your heart, waiting to be heard. In this immersive online course, you'll be guided by Mark Tubbs, a man who learned to hear and see the hand of God in action. His transformative journey from a tradition-bound pastor to an International apostle is going to ignite the passion in your own journey of spiritual discovery.

  • Biblical Insights: Dive into profound teachings from the scripture, which Mark masterfully brings to life.

  • Spiritual Discernment: Learn to discern the voice of God amidst the noise of life.

  • Supernatural Experiences: Listen to awe-inspiring real-life stories of divine healing and transformation.

  • Impartation: Receive impartation to move in words of knowledge just as Mark did, and experience a life of increased spiritual sensitivity and power.

  • Actionable Steps: Get practical strategies to move away from religious tradition and embrace the dynamic and living relationship with God.

  • Community: Join a global community of like-minded individuals, all seeking to unlock their divine calling.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Session 1

    • Unlock Your Call

  • 2

    Session 2

    • What Is The 5 Fold?

  • 3

    Session 3

    • Jesus and The 5 Fold - Pt 1

  • 4

    Session 4

    • Jesus and The 5 Fold - Pt 2

  • 5

    Session 5

    • The 5 Fold In The Local Church

  • 6

    Session 6

    • Why Stop At Equipping?

  • 7

    Session 7

    • The Attack On Your Anointing

Start Now!

Don't wait to step into your divine destiny. Act now! Embark on a transformative journey with Mark Tubbs. Your path to unlocking your calling starts here. Sign up today - let's make a difference together!